Spare cartridges for filters

Spare cartridges for semi-automatic and automatic filters (for cartridges with a filtration degree different from the standard consult the price list in force)

  • 99009010304 stainless steel mesh cartridge assembly with o-ring – 100 μ FILTRO BRAVO
  • 99009002304 stainless steel mesh cartridge assembly with o-ring – 89 μ FILTRO BRAVOCALOR
  • 99009005 304 stainless steel mesh cartridge assembly with o-ring – 89 μ FILTRO BRAVODUE
  • 99003009 304 stainless steel mesh cartridge assembly with o-ring – 100 μ FILTRO PULIFIL – PULIMATIC – BRAVOFIL S – BRAVOFIL PLUS – BRAVOMATIC 3/4″ – 1″ – 1″1/4
  • 99003008 304 stainless steel mesh cartridge assembly with o-ring – 100 μ FILTRO PULIFIL – PULIMATIC 1″1/2 – 2″
  • 99007007 304 stainless steel mesh cartridge assembly with o-ring – 100 μ FILTRO BRAVOFIL S 3/4″ – 1″ – 1″1/4
  • 11008042 304 stainless steel mesh cartridge assembly – 150 μ FILTRO BRAVOMAX e BRAVOMAX-A for 1”½ – 2” connections and DN 40-50 connections
  • 11008052 304 stainless steel mesh cartridge assembly – 150 μ FILTRO BRAVOMAX e BRAVOMAX-A for 2”½ – 3” connections and DN 65-80 connections
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